26,648 research outputs found

    Model based optimal bit allocation

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    Modeling of the operational rate-distortion characteristics of a signal can significantly reduce the computational complexity of an optimal bit allocation algorithm. In this report, such models are studied

    Classification of colon biopsy samples by spatial analysis of a single spectral band from its hyperspectral cube

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    The histopathological analysis of colon biopsy samples is a very important part of screening for colorectal cancer. There is, however, significant inter-observer and even intra-observer variability in the results of such analysis due to its very subjective nature. Therefore, quantitative methods are required for the analysis of histopathological images to aid the histopatholgists in their diagnosis. In this paper, we exploit the shape and structure of the gland nuclei cells for the classification of colon biopsy samples using two-dimensional principal component analysis (2DPCA) and Support Vector Machine (SVM). We conclude that the use of textural features extracted from non-overlapping blocks of the histopathological images results in a non-linear decision boundary which can be efficiently exploited using a SVM with appropriate choice of parameters for its Gaussian kernel. The SVM classifier outperforms all the remaining methods by a clear margin

    Wavelet based segmentation of hyperspectral colon tissue imagery

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    Segmentation is an early stage for the automated classification of tissue cells between normal and malignant types. We present an algorithm for unsupervised segmentation of images of hyperspectral human colon tissue cells into their constituent parts by exploiting the spatial relationship between these constituent parts. This is done by employing a modification of the conventional wavelet based texture analysis, on the projection of hyperspectral image data in the first principal component direction. Results show that our algorithm is comparable to other more computationally intensive methods which exploit the spectral characteristics of the hyperspectral imagery data


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    Education This study aimed to explore the strategy to maintain lecturers, particularly in private higher education. It is important because the growth of private universities makes qualified lecturers contested. Responding to that crisis, leaders imposed to construct a strategy to keep them. The required data were collected by interviewing selected respondents determined by the key informant. The instrument used in gathering data was a semi-structured interview. The data then analyzed with the inductive model by Miles, Huberman, & Saldana. The result of the study reveals that: higher education should respond to what is prompting lecturers to move. They must take responsibility for every lecturer resigning and to intervene immediately to find out the reasons that make the lecturer to resign. In terms of the strategy to counter the lecturer’s switch out, the researcher constructed a strategy to magnetize them to remain through concerning more seriously on some aspects, for instance: payment, leadership style, career development, conducive-work life, adequate well-resourced libraries, recognition, and workload. All these efforts addressed to motivate them in working then decide to remain in the institution. Lastly, the researcher also recommends to others to test the conclusion by applying a quantitative approac

    Comparative analysis of spatial and transform domain methods for meningioma subtype classification

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    Pattern recognition in histopathological image analysis requires new techniques and methods. Various techniques have been presented and some state of the art techniques have been applied to complex textural data in histological images. In this paper, we compare the novel Adaptive Discriminant Wavelet Packet Transform (ADWPT) with a few prominent techniques in texture analysis namely Local Binary Patterns (LBP), Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrices (GLCMs) and Gabor Transforms. We show that ADWPT is a better technique for Meningioma subtype classification and produces classification accuracies of as high as 90%


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    Model of teaching delineates learning materials which are enacted by learners. Not only is teaching reading as a receptive skill; teaching reading is also as an integrated skill.  This study aimed at describing incorporating teaching EFL reading as a receptive skill into Model of Learning from Presentation (MLP) as visual and oral–based teaching at teachers’ training of elementary school of Nahdlatul Ulama University of Lampung, Indonesia. To investigate, questionnaire and interview were deployed as research instruments in this descriptive qualitative study. The findings of questionnaires, which explored three aspects including graphic organizer as a visual aspect, oral presentation as a oral aspect, and students’ perceptions for each aspect,  to 24 students showed (1) almost all  students (87%) stated MLP enabled them to learn graphic organizers which induced ease of presentation, (2) many students (75%) stated MLP enabled them to practice oral presentation which could foster their speaking and writing skills, (3) all students (100%) stated MLP reinforced their responsibility for material mastery and presentation delivery. These were confirmed by the findings of interviews to 5 students that revealed (1) their needs for graphic organizer in MLP to elude inaccurate diagram construction; (2), their needs for oral presentation in MLP to enhance linguistic knowledge and text comprehension, (3) their needs of MLP to deliver learning material

    Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia: Pengadaan dan Retensi Dosen (Study Kasus di Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Avicenna Kendari)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi pengadaan dan retensi dosen sehingga bisa dikembangkan sebuah model atau pendekatan untuk menyelesaikan masalah turnover. Didasari oleh semakin banyaknya perguruan tinggi bermunculan membuat kompetisi semakin ketat. Mau tidak mau, perguruan tinggi harus mengedepankan kualitas sebagai ujung tombak untuk memenangkan persaingan tersebut. Salah satu komponen yang harus diperhatikan untuk memenangkan kompetisi ini yaitu tata kelola dosen. Berdasarkan penelitian awal, masalah terbesar berkenaan dengan tata kelola dosen khususnya di STIKES Avicenna Kendari adalah tingkat turnover dosen. Strategy yang diperlukan untuk memelihara tingkat turnover yaitu mengoptimalkan fungsi pengadaan dan retensi dosen. Peneliti penggunakan metode wawancara, observasi dan analisa dokumen untuk mengumpulkan data yang diperlukan. Sedangkan survey online (google form) digunakan untuk melihat respon sehingga bisa diketahui tingkat kelayakan model yang dikembangkan. Adapun teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah model analisis interaktif dan analisis konten. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwasannya: pengadaan dosen di STIKES Avicenna Kendari meliputi tahapan-tahapan: 1) analisa kebutuhan, 2) analisis pekerjaan, 3) rekrutmen dan seleksi, serta 4) penempatan dan penugasan. Sedangkan retensi dan strategi mempertahankan dosen di STIKES Avicenna Kendari meliputi: 1) pengembangan dosen, 2) menjaga mutu lingkungan kerja, serta 3) pemberian kompensasi dan penghargaan. Peneliti juga menilai jika pimpinan STIKES Avicenna kendari mengontrol secara penuh semua kegiatan pengadaan dan retensi dosen. Implementasi konsep Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (pengadaan dan retensi) tersebut, hanya sebatas taat administrasi, tetapi belum pada tataran pelaksanaannya di lapangan. Sedangkan hasil pengujian bahwa model rentensi SDM adalah SANGAT LAYA


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    Faktor yang mempengaruhi prestasi belajar siswa antara lain kegiatan ekstrakurikuler dan motivasi belajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kegiatan ekstrakurikuler siswa dan motivasi belajar siswa terhadap prestasi belajar siswa pada Program Kompetensi Keahlian Teknik Instalasi Tenaga Listrik di SMK Negeri 2 Wonosari. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian ex post facto dan populasi, dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Penelitian dilakukan di SMK Negeri 2 Wonosari dan respondennya adalah siswa kelas X dan XI Program Kompetensi Keahlian Teknik Instalasi Tenaga Listrik di SMK Negeri 2 Wonosari Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012 yang berjumlah 127 siswa. Variabel dalam penelitian ini yaitu kegiatan ekstrakurikuler (X1) dan motivasi belajar (X2) sebagai variabel bebas dan prestasi belajar (Y) sebagai variabel terikatnya. Pengumpulan data untuk variabel kegiatan ekstrakurikuler dan motivasi belajar menggunakan metode angket dengan skala Likert, sedangkan untuk variabel prestasi belajar dengan metode dokumentasi yang dikuantitatifkan. Pengujian persyaratan analisis meliputi uji normalitas, uji heteroskedastisitas dan uji multikolinieritas. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif untuk menghitung harga mean, median, modus, dan simpangan baku. Uji hipotesis menggunakan analisis regresi linier sederhana dan berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) antara kegiatan ekstrakurikuler terhadap prestasi belajar tidak terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan, dengan kontribusi 0,6% dan sisanya 99,4% ditentukan oleh variabel lain, (2) antara motivasi belajar terhadap prestasi belajar terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan, dengan kontribusi 5,2% dan sisanya 94,8% ditentukan oleh variabel lain, (3) antara kegiatan ekstrakurikuler dan motivasi belajar terhadap prestasi belajar terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan, dengan kontribusi 5,5% dan sisanya 94,5% ditentukan oleh variabel lain

    Development of Voice Recognition for Student Attendance

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    Development of voice recognition for student attendance system is beneficial in many ways It helps the lecturer in administrative the attendance of their student with efficiency This is because students always cheat with their attendancy by signing on behalf of their friend who did not attend class With this project voice biometric is used as a medium for student to mark their attendance Cheating among students will be prevented because like fingerprints each voice is different The objectives of this project are to study and understand the properties understand the properties of speaker recognition and to analyze the effectiveness of using Euclidean distance feature for speaker recognition Databases of 26 volunteers were collected consisting of only male The report result is tabulated Three types of analysis were done first same train is used as test data reported 100 correct The remaining two analyses used different test data recording Volunteers use the same sentence as test data reported 76 92 correct Lastly volunteers used their name and the correct percentage is 46 1